THE ACTIVE OFFER OF FRENCH LANGUAGE HEALTH SERVICES: Why It Matters and How to Put It Into Practice – National Version

Welcome to this online training on the active offer of French language health care services. This training was developed by the Réseau du mieux-être francophone du Nord de l’Ontario (Réseau).


Terms and Conditions

You are about to begin the training “Active Offer of French Language Health Services: Why It Matters and How to Put It Into Practice”. At the end of each Module, questions will test your comprehension of the content. You will then be asked if that content meets the stated learning objectives at the beginning of each chapter. You will also be asked to give your comments and suggestions for improving the training. 

This training is 3 hours in duration.

In order to receive a certificate of completion, you must complete the evaluations associated with the training modules and achieve the passing score indicated on each evaluation.


This online training “Active Offer of French Language Health Services: Why It Matters and How to Put It Into Practice”, has received financial support from Health Canada under the Roadmap for Canada’s Official Languages 2013-2018: Education, Immigration, Communities in the form of a grant to develop the training.

The online training has received in-kind support from Société Santé en français (SSF), the Consortium national de formation en santé (CNFS) – Volet Université Laurentienne, the Northern Ontario School of Medicine (NOSM) and the French Language Health Networks of Ontario and French Language Health Planning Entities of Ontario.

Content was developed independently, with no influence from any of the supporting agencies.

To start the training, click on the Introduction module below.

Training Content

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